History File for InTeleCharge Credit Card Door ============================================== Version 1.8 ----------- (12-22-92) InTeleCharge now returns a DOS errorlevel equal to the Security Level chosen by a caller when s/he Subscribes to your BBS. Please check under MISCELLANEOUS in CHARGE.DOC for a full explanation. Fixed an error when deleting mulitple items before processing the order. (12-21-92) Added a check for unprocessed order files when the door loads. This could happen when a previous caller has placed an order and dropped carrier before entering his card info. So now if the door finds one of those files it will be deleted. (12-18-92) Changed the -1, no expiration date, for PCBoard to display in the door as 'Unlimited'. (12-15-92) Moved the Levels and Subscription lengths out of the .CFG into the SUBSCRIB.DAT file. The Level/Days are now placed in the second field where Manufacturer used to be. You MUST edit your existing SUBSCRIB.DAT file and add this info. I just know this is gonna generate tons of complaints from those of you who don't read the doc files! Added a prompt for disk size preferred when ordering Shareware products. When you re-create your .CFG file, you will be prompted for the Disk Sizes you can handle. For example: 360K/720K/1.2M/1.4M Whatever you enter here is included in the Disk Size Preferred prompt inside the Door when someone orders a Shareware product. (12-14-92) Added a CONFIGURATION option to the UTILITY menu. Choose this option when creating or changing the CHARGE.CFG file. New with this version is a separate documentation file for the UTILITY (UTILITY.DOC). ====================================================================== NOTE: YOU MUST RE-CREATE YOUR CHARGE.CFG BEFORE USING THIS VERSION!!!! ====================================================================== InTeleCharge will now write a text file when someone orders either a BBS Subscription or a Shareware registration. This text file lists the purchasers Name, Address, Phone, Item purchased and the Price. And for Shareware orders, the Disk Size is also included. (12-13-92) Added the ability to DELETE a record from SUBSCRIB.DAT and SHARWARE.DAT in the UTILITY program. While in EDIT mode, pressing F2 allows you delete the current record showing on the screen. Changed the 'NOT FOR DISPLAY' message when the caller is entering his credit card info to 'NOT FOR DISPLAY ON THE LOCAL MONITOR'. And once again I reiterate - THE SYSOP CANNOT SEE THE CREDIT CARD INFO BEING ENTERED!!!! It ain't a bug, it's a feature! (12-08-92) InTeleCharge now updates the Level on all supported BBS drop files, except one, when offering BBS Subscriptions. However, only PCBoard's USERS file and DOOR.SYS are updated with the new Expiration date. (Those are the only two that have the Expiration date in their drop files!) Read the NOTES under Configuration Files in CHARGE.DOC for more info. (12-06-92) Changed the code so that InTeleCharge displays in color, regardless of the BBS color mode. The color mode is set back to the way it was when the door ends. This is because, in non-color mode, the highlight is lost on the scroll bar menus and the caller can't see which item is selected. Changed all the square brackets on the prompts to parentheses to comply with international high-ASCII standards. InTeleCharge now supports the entry of international high-ASCII characters at all the input prompts. Version 1.7 ----------- (12-03-92) Had some reports that callers were getting confused about the 'Register this Door' selection so that has been changed to 'Visiting Sysops - Register InTeleCharge'. Hopefully they will know if they are a visiting Sysop or not! Removed 'Process Current Orders' option from the Main Menu since it isn't needed. So now you must process your orders via the CHARGE CHARGE.CFG LOCAL command line option. (12-02-92) Fixed a bug that was introduced with the changes in the UTILITY program. The new one does not insert carriage returns and line feeds while you are entering your descriptions and I neglected to allow for that when displaying so it was printing one line and anything after 80 characters just piled up on the edge of the screen. Version 1.6 ----------- (11-29-92) Changed the routine that writes the BBS file to accept as is only letters and numbers. Anything else gets changed to an underscore. That should solve any conflict with DOS file naming conventions. Added some info to the screen when placing an order. It now notifies them that they will be asked for their credit card info when they select Q]uit. Hopefully that will clear up any confusion as to what is happening. (11-27-92) Vastly improved the UTILITY.EXE program. It now has full editing capabilities. (11-26-92) Added the ability to update a users expiration date in PCBoard when charging a Subscription. This requires an addition to the .CFG file. After each level entry, add a / plus the number of days to add to their expiration date. For Example: 30/90 <- This gives them level 30 and adds 3 months to expiration 40/180 <- This gives them level 40 and adds 6 months to expiration 50/365 <- This gives them level 50 and adds 1 year to expiration 110/-1 <- This gives them level 110. The -1 means no expiration date. If their expiration date has already passed, the new expiration will be the number of days from the current date. Otherwise their new expiration will be tacked on to their present expiration date. NOTE: You MUST be using USERS.SYS to update Level and Expiration Dates! Version 1.5 ----------- (11-25-92) Fixed a problem when writing the BBS file that gets sent to InTeleSys. Overlooked the fact that there are spaces in the BBS name! So the spaces are now converted to underscores. Added the code to handle non-USA/Canada orders. When they enter OT for the State code, they are prompted for their Country. And for the Phone they are asked for their Country Code plus Number. (11-24-92) Installed a limit of 3 tries on the Credit Card number entry. If they don't get it right, the entry routine is aborted and returns to the main menu. Previous versions wouldn't accept a Canadian ZIP code. That has been fixed. (11-23-92) Cleaned up some cosmetic blemishes. Added credit card entry to CHARGE.LOG when ordering InTeleCharge. Made some changes when saving the credit card number so we don't lose any of those zeroes! Fixed a bug in the Scroll menu routines. If you had more than 15 entries, it would not allow you to scroll down on the first column past the number of entries in the second column. Version 1.4 ----------- (11-22-92) Bug Fix Release. Additions to Documentation and Order Logs. Number Verification Routines Changed. Version 1.3 ----------- (11-20-92) First Public Release. Version 1.2 ----------- (10-03-92) Preliminary Beta testing of InTelecharge Version 1.1 ----------- (07-11-92) Preliminary Alpha testing of InTelecharge Version 1.0 ----------- (05-20-92) In-House Development